wordpress programando en wordpress

worpress tiene 3 componentes principales:

el core, themes y plugins

core: contiene todo el codigo que lo hace funcionar como un CMS
This includes desde the admin backend hasta functions like scheduling posts, password strength checking, lae creation of users and asi. is responsible for the backend of a website and how it operates.

themesare responsible for the front-end and how website’s look and feel. You might want to install and activate pre-built themes or break out of the box completely and go your own way with custom designs.

plugins: proveen funcionalidad extra a wordpress. To make this happen, a plugin may modify the backend and/or the front-end of a website. A plugin that adds a Tweet button for Twitter is a good example. It would probably create a new settings page in the backend admin menu where you could set up some default options for a user’s tweet and it would also add itself to the front-end of a website, most likely displaying under a post.

areas de desarrollo:

themes,plugins, rest apis, core


plugins are la esencia de WordPress, transforming it into everything from a forum to a social network, eCommerce platforms and much more with the push of a button. Plugins give you total control over all aspects of the WordPress system, allowing you to modify anything you want. 
The REST API is relatively new and allows you to create true applications based on WordPress. This includes iPhone and Android apps and all sorts of crazy things like TV apps even, if you know some other programming languages.
You can connect to any website and ask it for your latest five posts. But you can do a lot more than that: you can delete users, create users, edit categories and more (which you need to authenticate yourself, of course). This means you can use WordPress as a repository of information and build the front-end and/or the backend using a different system altogether.

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